Dot Chast

  • Dot has worked in almost all media over the years. From her high school as an Art Major she almost always had a sketch book in her hand. She had many classes and workshops with local artists. She studied print making at the Woodstock School of Art under Dan Gefland and Kate McLoughlin.

  • I still work in several media, whichever suits the spirit and the occasion. I am deeply interested in ecology, education and people. My work expresses this interest in nature and its forms. I like to know more about methods and why, preferring to work directly from the subject rather than photos. The finished work is then more alive to me.

    I like my work to be honest and uncontrived, coming from my own heart and hands. Form doesn’t matter. What matters is that I felt something and wanted to say or express it. Showing my work brings me in contact with other people, artists. I enjoy being a part of the community.


Linda Cassidy


Marie Cole